"take time out to follow your dreams - your life will be immeasurably richer" and we're back!!!!!! we've been off having the most wonderful adventure :). We have spent the last 3 weeks in wonderful WA living life and having a blast. On Saturday, 11 September we flew from Sydney to Perth where we picked up this little beauty to be our home for the next 11 days, and then proceeded to travel around south-western WA trying to squeeze in as much as possible so here's a very small "snapshot" of where we went and what we saw:

Fremantle of course, just love the place and could spend longer wandering around, of course had to visit the goal which was only closed in 1992 and the markets and other "old" places

Then we travelled onto Bunbury, where we visited the Dolphin Center and wandered around a really gorgeous town, onto Bussellton and the jetty (which unfortunately was closed for refurbishment - next visit we'll get to walk it!!!!!)

Of course we also had to stop at Margaret River, I had to sample some of the local wines :) and of course Tim had to see Prevelly Beach, it's one of the places he's always dreamed of sailboarding at - again next time when we drive over we'll take all the gear for him to do that :). And of course we had to visit some of the beautiful caves too:

Down further to Augusta and Cape Leeuwin and the lighthouse, Tim and the kids went inside and up to the top :)

Around further to the Gloucester Tree which once again Tim had to climb a straight up 72mt (I think) to the fire lookout platform at the top!!!!!!, no safety gear or anything you just climb on up!!!!!! and of course also onto the Valley of the Giants and the treetop walk (which I even managed to do even though it was blowing a gale and I'm terrified of heights - yay for me)!!!!!

Off and onto Albany a gorgeous old whaling town, where we did see whales in the bay, magnificent, amazing, beautiful animals, it's crazy to think that not long ago they were nearly hunted into extinction:

and of course the wonderful landscape down there, natural bridge, the gap, the sheer coastline, the wind!!!!!!

and then back to Perth, where of course we spent one day pottering around the city and the other over on Rottnest Island, cycling around and checking out these cute little quokkas:

From Perth we flew up to Broome, where we had to go to Tim's brothers wedding, and I have to say if you're getting married than Broome is one of the most gorgeous places to have a wedding :), David and Ange walking down the isle:

The wedding reception was held at Eco Beach Resort, so after the wedding we had a nearly 3 hour catamaran ride over to the resort, what a gorgeous way to spend a wedding day and the next couple of days we resorted it up, drinking, eating, partying and watching the most gorgeous sunsets you can imagine:

After the wedding we bused it back to Broome for a couple of days of the sightseeing (in 38 degree heat!!!!!!) and of course more sunsets off Cable Beach:

we also saw the staircase to the moon while we were there, but the tide was a fraction too high so it wasn't the best viewing, but it was still amazing to watch. And of course we had to go to Malcolm Douglas's crocodile farm, particularly after his sudden death :(, where the boys got to hold these baby crocodiles:

and then last but not least we drove all the way from Broome to Karratha (in a mini-bus) with the newly married couple to spend a few days with them in their home, so a big day of 8hours of driving, the kids were amazing for the trip and we got back to Dave and Ange's place all intact!!!!!! We visited the Burras' (actually at Dampier), but just down the road and Woodside gas mining and did some more swimming

Before finally flying home again so Pat and Tim could compete in the State BMX races held at Tamworth on the weekend - Pat came an impressive 19th in his age group and Tim came 7th - whoop whoooooo!!!!!!!!! all that with no training for nearly 4 weeks!!!!!!

Now we are finally home and I just loved sleeping in my own bed last night :), back to reality and the washing, ho-hum!!!!!!
Hope everyone has been happy and well.
wow jane looks like a fab holiday.
and congrats to DH and DS on the BMX places :D
Oh wow Jane, looks fantastic! Lucky Girl!! Congrats to the boys :)
Welcome Home Jane - there are some STUNNING photos there, and such beautiful scenery - can't wait to see you work your magic
Wow, what a trip! Sounds like a blast, can't wait to see some of the wonderful photos you've taken scrapped!
Awesome vacation. The sunset, lighthouse, quokkas & water views---such great memories to have.
wow what an awesome adventure Jane, your photos are fabulous!!
So good to see your update and see some photos of your adventure. We are on an adventure of our own at the moment too. Although we have only really just started ours even though we have been gone from home now for three weeks.
Oh I love all your photos Jane. :) I am so jealous because I have always wanted to go to WA..will get there one day. ;)
Looks like you all had a fabulous time adventuring around WA, Jane....isn't it hard when you get back to reality of the real world! lol
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